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A wayside cocoa buying Station, Mr. Dodowa, Gold Coast.

Agents of Messrs. Hatton & Cookson, who entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harris at Lukula, Mayumbe

Agents of the Société Anonyme Belge at Bolengola on the Ikelemba

American trading factory at mouth of Black River. Upper Congo

Baluba women in market at Ibanshe, Kasai

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Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery has over forty display galleries that explore the development of Birmingham as a city, through its diverse communities. Since opening in 1885, the museum has built a vast collection of social history, art, archaeology and ethnographic items. It is one of nine sites managed by Birmingham Museums, the largest museums trust in the UK, whose vision for their service is, ‘to reflect Birmingham to the world, and the world to Birmingham.’ Housed within Birmingham's council buildings in the city's Chamberlain Square, the site welcomes around one million visitors a year.

Slavery and abolition feature as themed displays within the ‘Birmingham: Its People and Its History’ gallery, which dominates the third floor of the Victorian museum. Initially developed as part of the 2007 bicentennial commemoration activities, the displays highlight the contradictory nature of Birmingham’s relationship with the slave trade. Visitors are informed, through both interpretive text panels and collections artifacts on display, about the goods manufactured in Birmingham that were taken to Africa to trade in exchange for human beings. Simultaneously, the presence of antislavery activists in the city is explained, with digital interactives, portraits and abolitionist material culture all illustrating the role of Quakers and other prominent abolitionist figures, including Joseph Sturge and Olaudah Equiano.

The displays also alert visitors as to the existence of modern slavery by a panel headed with the words, ‘Around the world, people are still enslaved today.’ The visitors are then invited to leave their own comments as to how society can help to stop it in their community and around the world.

Bridge over Catumbella River

Camping under a mango tree at Mobeka. Headquarters of Anversoise Concession

Canoe carrying three large wicker fishing traps. Upper Kasai

Canoe laden with produce, Lulanga River. Upper Congo

Clearing the forest to erect a trading factory on the Kasai

Cocoa barrels rolled down from the hinterland to the coast.

Congo River with railway cutting

Cotton plantation at Catumbella, Angola

Fish market on the lagoon shore, Loanda

Fishing baskets, Lagos Lagoon

Flotilla of tiny canoes, Baringa beach, upper Congo

General view of Dima, headquarters of the Kasai Company

Gum copal for sale

Gum copal on the Juapa, awaiting means of transport